We want to save you money

And we won’t ever charge you a penny to do it. All we need from you is your permission to try.

Depending on market conditions at a given point in time, we may be able to realize significant savings for you on a wide variety of goods and services. Other times, we won’t be able to find a better deal for you on certain products. If that is the case, there is nothing lost. You just continue purchasing the good or service as you were with the company you were already working with. Nothing changes at all. The only thing that ever changes is if we find you a reduced price, and you agree to that new price.

In order for us to begin working to save you money, we need to enter into a Participation Agreement with you. We will work with you individually to do that if you are interested. In the meantime, we just need some basic information. We will then reach out to you for a more detailed conversation. If interested, please fill out the following form.

This form commits you to nothing. It just lets us know you are interested in further discussions.

Let us know you’re interested

    Soil including soil amendments, nutrients, etc.PackagingInsuranceDisposal ServicesTestingTrackingLightingSecurityITSoftwareOperating SystemsExtraction EquipmentAccounting ServicesPayroll ServicesEmployee BenefitsFansElectricityWaterLegal Services